E.T. is back from his desert grave and looking for vengeance.

Now technically September of 2011 would be the 28th anniversary of the infamous E.T. cart burial, but this is the only way I could make the zombie tie in work.
Imagine the teaser trailer...

Coming next year. The sequel the video game industry has nightmares about.

E.T. knows what you did in the 80's.
For more like this please visit 8 bit memory blog.
-Alex Campos
ha! so awesome. i wonder if they'll ever find the dessert grave. probably as impossible to get out as it was for all of us to escape those ditches
Karma. ET had it coming. That game drove me nuts as a kid.
i don't think i felt that kind of inane frustration until Echo the Dolphin
Scary stuff! I remember this game when I was a kid... Oh, boy!
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