Late to the party as usual, I just cleaned up and resized the scan and figured I'd post it. Here's my piece for the "Hallowed Halloween" show. I'm so, so psyched about this show! Everyone's work looks so great!
I always loved the idea of the original Jack who carried the Devil's glowing ember around in a lantern (though I love pumpkins too much to not paint a pumpkin instead of a turnip), but over time, he turned into this Magritte / Sleepy Hollow abstract for me. As shown here. :)
Awesome as always Amy~!!
Lovely touch with the little hints white.
VERY Cool.
wow. i just found my october desktop image! you always use such good colors. i want to imagine walking through an old victorian house where all of your "framed" pieces are hanging up. great work.
wow. ditto everything Mat said. it's so perfect and subtle, so that little bit of warmth is like Rembrandt giving me a good knuckle rap right in the nose.
very awesome one :)
That's a terrific frame! nice piece
nice stuff like it thanks for it
Hi, love the appearance of one’s website. Would you mind telling me what theme you’re using? I’m a new comer to this and I’m hoping to have mined looking anywhere near as cool as yours. Thanks.
Presentation Folders | Folder printing | Custom Folders
very beautiful and touching pic
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