First off, congrats to Alex and Awakening Vol. 1! i for one am pre-ordering through Wade's Comic Madness in Levittown; i can't wait!
Secondly, Justin "Chuck" Edwards has been a good friend of mine, as well as one obscenely talented music maker, and i have been lucky enough to work on a very special project with him. Whether complex organically evolving beats, or lush dark orchestral ambient soundscapes, Chuck is always doing something impressive and exciting. This particular project is an uplifting yet haunting, orchestral imaginary soundtrack of sorts, and that description does it no justice.
The packaging will be 100%, limited to a very small press, and all hand screened through a special type of block printing. as soon as we get physical copies we will let you know how you can hear this beautiful music that Chuck has poured so much time and heart into. we are hoping the entire package of sights and sounds will help immerse people in the experience only an ALBUM can give from start to finish, as opposed to the "couple of mp3s here and there, way in the background" deviation.
Feel free to e-mail Chuck at to find out how you can get a copy later this year!
(click below for a larger view!)

Finally, here's this jerk. titled "La Commedia รจ finita!" after the final line in the opera Pagliacci. I have been trying in vain to muster the courage to strategically smash the corner of the frame it is in, but you just can not control chaos correctly, now can you
UPDATE! Happy APRIL FOOL'S!!! see you all tonight!
A-MAZING....this entire post!
Peter!! Wonderful pieces!
I'd say to smash the glass and hope for the best. Or else, smash a few, if you can afford to.
Oh snap! that Joker is really cool! Well done.
stellar as always Peter
Pretty awesome. dude. That disc art is mesmerizing.
fuck yes, that cd turned out amazing! that joker is rather stunning as well. i'm with desiree, smash a practice frame without the painting in it, if you can afford to. cause i think that'd look amazing...
this is great!
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