This a tribute I did for one of the most influential artists / movie directors in my life. His name is Guillermo Del Toro. My illustration tributes his 3 original films: Cronos (the cronos device), The Devil's Backbone (Santi, the ghost), and Pan's Labyrinth (the Faun). I also did this to coincide with a signing and screening for the release of Cronos on criterion DVD (featuring gorgeous cover art and interiors by Mike Mignola).
The criterion also includes Del Toro's short film Geometria, which was a real treat to watch on a big screen and features a lot of the ideas and elements that he implements into his movies today.
Del Toro spoke about learning & growing in an art medium (for any artist) by making mistakes and borrowing inspiration from others. He also spoke of his early influences of Mario Bava and Dario Argento (who inspired him heavily on color palettes and lighting of scenes) films.
All in all it was an amazing night with a super inspirational & bigger than life human being, who speaks from his heart, and makes the work he wants to make regardless of what anyone thinks.
Prints will be available soon @
Below is a video of Del Toro talking about his newest film project (shooting next summer), AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS (based on the story by H.P. Lovecraft). For more Guillermo Del Toro news, visit
Complete madness, Cho! I can't believe you managed to combine all 3 films into one piece.
I would've also killed to been at that screening, sounds EPIC.
pretty cool buddy! and i agree with Strange Kid, was pretty clever mix the 3 elements and make a big one!
nice work Joe Game
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