All contributors, if you do not have a copy, please get in touch with me, so I can get one to you. If anyone else wants a copy or an extra, please let me know a.s.a.p. First come, first serve basis while supplies last!

Thanks to everyone who participated, it came out awesome! Cheers!
thanks go to joe for putting the time in to design, print, and assemble all of those books himself. we appreciate all the effort. it is one handsome book.
Hey Joe, I got the copy you sent as well as the sweet buttons and mix pack! Thanks again!
I agree, cheers to Joe! Looks so awesome, man. I can't wait to meet up so I can snag my copy :D Everything is looking fantastic.
gee golly gosh, batman. those sure are swell. In all serious, they look freaking amazing, and I truly appreciate the effort you put in to make them!
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