Ive been reading Moby Dick, and decided to draw captain Ahab at my 20 minute break at work today. It was done with a ballpoint pen that was low on ink and a crappy piece of papier. It has to be Ahab pre-mutilation however. because i forgot his peg leg.
-Call me Ishmael
Pre-mutilation! harharhar.
i fucking love this drawing. the hands and face are pefect, and i haven't seen you do this kind of hatching too much before. do more of it! the looseness it gives your drawing is really interesting. i double dog dare you to do more like this.
Oh no. He just DOUBLE dog dared you!
How about Captain Ahab Vs. Captian Nemo???! That would be insane!
yes, more loose more loose, it's got energy and piz-azz!!
do it because I just used the word piz-azz.
Joe, I am actually planning out a graphic novel with that very premise...dont tell anyone. Hahha
And piz-azz is a good word...or words?
i'm glad professor murder said it first, because i was gonna feel REALLY silly posting here about how AWESOME those hands are...but hands are tricky, and yours here are dead on. at hells heart, you stabbed at thee
the texture of hatching adds a lot.
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