This is my first post on any blog actually... but i feel good about my blog verginity being taken here. Just wanted to say hey and put up the most recent thing I did, this was for Hour Detroit Magazine it was for an article about rats being litteraly everywhere, it was a fun assignment.

The second one here is just something I did a few months ago that is one of my favorites, it was about a bad ass sheriff from Arizona.

I dont know what I did there but those colors are all wrong, I'll get the hang of it sorry...
I'm liking your way of thinking! Lapdog, gun-toting police men and mice sipping tea for company. Nice, very nice!
Welcome Pat! It's great to have you with us. Coming across your work recently was quite an awesome surprise! Thanks for sharing these two fantastic pieces! As for the off colors, it might have something to do with exporting your pieces as CMYK. Try exporting them as RGB. That should work. If not, the pieces at the moment still show the high quality, grit, and detail that you have in your work. Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff!
Wow! I really love your work, and I find it really cool how our styles are simular in the sense that we are both screen printers, yet we both have two differn't ways of drawing.
Any who....Welcome to the group! It would be pretty cool to see what you have to say about each others work for as long as you stay with the blog.
awesome awesome stuff Pat!
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