Chogrin asked me to cross-post this here as well, and he's right - these are definitely worth sharing.
A couple weeks ago I ordered Mini Moo Cards from Moo, a British printing company.
They turned out pretty nice, and are printed on a really nice substrate. I just wanted to test them out, so I ordered a pack and chose a random handful of pieces. Next time I'll be choosier with my picks, but I'm still satisfied, since different cards are more appropriate to different types of potential clients.
Could I have done these at home and saved a couple bucks and had a better font on the back? Sure. Could I have done them to this quality, cut them as nicely and evenly, gotten such nice double-sided stock cheaply and found such a nice plastic case to fit so well, while preserving my non-existent home time? Not really, no. So they're worth it.
Anyway, $20 for a pack of 100 is pretty decent when you don't hand out that many, but always need a couple on hand.

I got my cards from months ago, they have such a great quality feel to them. And I personally love the unique, little format.
i can vouch for these. the card stock, size, and style were top quality, let alone Amy's amazing artwork gracing the material
Hello?!? We should do an Autumn Society set, chip in on production/postage, and send them out or take them to cons.
excellent idea Chris! I'm on it!
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