...and a Merry Christmas Kwanzaa Chanukah Hanukkah New Years Blessed Rainy Valentine Sweetest Washington Lincoln Presidents Martin Luther King Jr Easter Columbus Boxing Guru Purnima Yom Kippur Rosh Hashanah Mothers Fathers Labour Arbor Passover Independence Memorial Halloween All Saints Administrative Assistant Mischief Groundhog Earth Thanksgiving Festivus Diwali April Fools Black Friday Ash Wednesday Opposite Winternights Tax Ramadan Juneteenth Flag Veterans Superbowl Sunday Oscar Party Melbourne Cup Grandparents Bloomsday First Contact International Talk Like a Pirate Day
...if i missed anybody's holiday, i apologize.
AMAZING! Thanks Dave! Happy Holidays to you too.
hey hey dave. nice seeing you around these here parts. the piece is awesome and I think you hit pretty much every holiday...there's no bastille day, but we'll let it slide. i mean, it's just the french
You missed National Pistachio Day, the "nuttiest" holiday of the year!
Regardless, that is a very cool image and happy days to you.
hot damn hat's a nice feel across the board
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