Even though they taste bitter, yuck! ( I don't think they're edible, unless you're a squirrel ... )
Anyway I thought I should let you all see my latest Acorn print.
It's for sale along with other various prints of mine.
Yes, this is a way for me to share art & sneak in promotion.
I feel no shame, I have a mouth to feed.

I like these here acorns a bunch, but to me they half look happy, and half look like they are screaming in terror? Anyone else see that? Or is it just me? In any case awesome shapes and colors!
Yeah, they totally look like they're nervously smiling. I like the 'Bubbles' print on your site. Also, what's going on with that vintage wooden owl? I want that thing.
Hahaha, the longer you look at them the more terrified they become.
I don't think the owl is going to do anywhere anytime soon. He's been up for awhile and nobody has bought the little guy. I don't mind having him though!
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