GOOD OLD TRAPJAW. With all the 80's stuff floating around I figured I'd put up some stuff people here may not have seen.
And because I have another masters Illustration laying about I'll add

The SCOURGE OF ETERNIA. I was always a fan of the design for this guy...I remember having the action figure as a kid...the spring in his claw arm was Really pretty strong.... It could do a fine job of crushing your finger.
Man, this one blows mine out of the water! KICK ASS!
Trapjaw was my favorite He-man toy, though I never understood why his face was green and his body was blue. Good illustration - very detailed and expressive.
trapjaw is such a badass. he shouldn't have to run with those thugs. nice drawing as always, man
Awesome! Your line work is great. I love the calm look on his face like "alright, another face getting mangled, another dollar. Sigh." What did you use to color this?
I should post up my Clawful too I guess.
this is great, and the bonus Clawful rules! great colors and GREAT style
That crabman takes the cake.
The crabcake!
Excuse me while I go punch myself in the face repeatedly.
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