Hi! This is my first post-- My name's Kasey and I'm a disabled artist. I've been paralyzed for almost 9 years now and art has always been my most significant outlet and extremely therapeutic in dealing with it. Anyway, this is my submission for the Video Game Show (8 Bit and Beyond). "Pixelated Princess Of Revitalizing Fungi" It's my version of Princess Peach as a One-Eyed Girl (1EG), a series i've been focusing on lately. I'll be posting more 1EG's in the future.. Hope you all enjoy!
Pretty awesome...very abstract..
Looks great.
very nice painting!
Welcome to the blog, Kasey! Very cool piece, I'm a huge fan of you deciding on Super Mario Bros 2 for your subject matter, that game is so weird and doesn't get enough attention. I like the style, keep up the good work.
Beautiful work Kasey.
Really dig the nice framing and the colours of the enviroment you chose.
keep up the good work!
Thank you!!
Mario bros 2 was always my favorite--even though i was horrible at it
Splendid! Welcome aboard!
Love at first sight. One of the best videogamerelated artpieces I've seen.
Do you mind if I show your painting at my blog? I live in Sweden, so there may be people who'll miss this.
Anyway, keep up the good work.
such an excellent outlet, nicely done! i second all of Eric's sentiments (all it's missing is the best designed rocket ship ever) but i am also a huge fan of the painted border, and the photo of it in the frame. it really just makes the whole thing special. welcome aboard; hope you post much more
welcome aboard,
great artwork from a great game.
the painted frame is really cool
thank you all so much! very happy to hear some good things about it
bloggonoid-- i would love for you to post it on your blog, thank you! if you could just post it with a link to my website www.kaseytararuj.com that would be fantastic. thanks again!
This is a Mario 2 piece! Exquisite!
Beautiful work! ...And welcome aboard :)
would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in composing this article. thanks for sharing the great information.
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