Sleepy Hollow, pg 16, Pencil and Digital, 6.625x10.25"
Hey all, long time no see. I've been hammering away at a project for a while, and as a result I don't have much new material to show. In the interest of putting out some new stuff, the above is a drawing for my Sleepy Hollow comic, in which Ichabod Crane rides past a spooky tree. I liked the drawing a lot, and thought I'd share it.I did a few cards for the game Warlord (the very same CCG our own Eric Braddock did a piece for), but unfortunately I can't show the pieces until the set comes out at the end of next month. I'm waiting with bated breath to share those, but in the mean time scary trees will have to do. See you all at the Joker Show.
Update: Finished page uploaded at the top.
Update: Finished page uploaded at the top.
that is indeed an excellent tree, my friend. i'll look forward to seeing those cards when you can show them
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