(UPDATE!: I decided to crop in on advice from Mr. Stabwell, to get rid of all that boring negative space. I think it turns out a stronger image.)
Decided to try my hand at Dr.Claw for the 80's jawn, because who doesn't love Dr. Claw? WHO I ASK?! Annnnd there is also that silly self portrait of me in a weird getup....not quite finished yet, think of it as a sneak peek. Enjoy!
i think the drawing is spot on for the dr.claw piece! the gadget crew on the screen look like perfect combinations of your style and the original.
as i'm looking at the picture as a whole though, i'm noticing there's a lot of empty space that could benefit from some of the texture you've used in your recent work. maybe the old timey comic coloring wouldn't make as much sense for this one, but i wouldn't mind seeing it anyway! i could be crazy though, what do others think?
I think the crop works really well. This is awesome by the way.
I really dig the drawing in the inspector gadget piece, and good call, Murderous, on the crop. The color scheme is really nice, too. So I suppose nice work over all!
I'm interested in what's gong to happen with the self portrait... tongue scarf. eeww.
dude your Dr Klaw made me SO happy this afternoon. i could hear his voice the whole time i was admiring it
Yes! ANd I agree that the cropped version works way better too! Now I got the theme song stuck in my head! Go Gadget go!
Thanks everyone, I am glad there are some gadget fans out there!
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