Hey Yall!
it's been a while but here's a new piece. This is been floating around in the old brain for quite a while, and I finally had some free time to do it. This is pretty much how I saw in in my head, except for the mappy background, which I came up with off the top. Hope you like her. Oh, btw this piece features a first in my pin up series-- nipple! Had to happen sooner or later. ENJOY!
hey mary, ive seen a lot of mermaids in my day but this is honestly my top 3 along side that Donato Giancola one, and the John Waterhouse one. The Tattoos are very convincing and look like their in the skin not above it. Love the sexy pose, could see this tatted on someone one day. love it.
Your best pin-up girl yet! Love all the details you've incorporated into this one. The background, the tats, the hair, and the overall glow to it is outstanding! Bravo Miss Held!
This one is pretty tight Maryann, the figure, tattos, fishyparts and map background are all expertly done. Keep em comin!
Hooray! Thanks guys :D
i'm gonna comment way late and say i like it too. also, way to sneak in a little bit of butt. totally cheating, but i'll let it slide cause you didn't wuss out on the nip.
that may background is so sweet.
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