Hey folks, today I posted my 200th comic strip. Take a look if you will, and let me know what you think. Some of it isn't really family-friendly so, you know, if you're sitting around with your family have them leave the room or something.
Monuments to Mediocrity
hot damn CONGRATULATIONS buddy! i am seriously excited for you and proud of you. i think it's been a helluva year for you. i can't wait to have these hardbound in my lap someday. way to go!
that's amazing!
Wow, that is a real achievement, this is a really funny strip, a million times funnier than any strip i read in the paper these days. Congrats!
Felicidades Minder! This one's a winner! And I agree with PW! I want a copy of all these in book form someday too!
Yeah I have to get a link together for your comics or some kinda notice on updates...
Dark and impossible to avoid laughter...
Great stuff.
Thanks guys. The books'a coming, hopefully within the next two months or so (note, I randomly pulled that number out of my ass, I've barely started putting it together).
Pedro, I update daily M-F and sometimes on the weekends. Here's the RSS feed if you wanna hook it up:
Thanks again for the kind words and encouragement, folks.
thats quite an accomplishment! have you showed this to any indie papers?
I showed it to Watchtower and they revoked my Jehova's Witness membership. I don't really of know any publications that would be interested in this nonsense.
you know what though, Pat's got a pretty good idea. i mean you're doing this daily and maybe it's worth looking into. every city has 2 shitty free newspapers that often syndicate some strange strip and you just never know who wants a nice r-rated strip about the 2 biggest jerks in the medium
You guys are right, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.
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