some crazy weirdo animal art for you guys! the birds are a couple panels from a new awakening page i just finished. the album cover is for my good friend justin's new album. He's called Sarasota and the album is Things Alive. check it out or download the album for FREE at his website:

also, for those interested or whomever i haven't already told, i was interviewed and did a little "making of" segment here:
Great work!!!
Me gusta mucho la mezcla de texturas, colores y tipografías, da un gran efecto!
Un abrazo desde Quito!!!
It's all looking good, sir. I do really like the album cover, from the awesome old style scientific drawings to the hand done type. very awesome
Great new amazing work sir!
wow, congrats on the interview, that was awesome. these pieces are awesome! honestly, more and more, especially with the head-shaking tiger cover, i can't help but think, "man, Alex can do ANYTHING" it's incredible
sorry been slacking in my commenting. even though your dead to me cause you choose to hang out with your mom instead of me for her birthday and not come out last night im gonna tell you why i love this. I love when you apply your gritty dirty scratchy style to something beautiful like those birds. It almost looks like there hanging dead in a museum, i like the use of that cool blue you get into sometimes. and anything that uses hand drawn type is something special as well. ONLY critisizm (sp?) is the old school animal drawings on the cover although a nice touch look straight outta that old curiosities book they sell. maybe you coulda redrawn Alex style? Works really nicely none the less, i appreciate that painterly texture for the background as well. I keep discovering new things going on in this piece the longer I stare at it, These dudes are lucky.
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