Thursday, April 30, 2009

new ink ''four"

This is a piece I just finished. I'm gearing up for a little show I'm going to have at Perpetua Gallery in Fishtown in June. Anyhow, I'm seeing some great work posted on this blog as always.

The Latest

Hi Everyone-
I wanted to post a painting I recently finished. This is another painting in my mermaid series.


Al Gury Painting Book out

A new book from one of the most knowledgeable, kindhearted talented artists you will ever meet, one of the most influential artists in the city. From some of us who had him at UARTs to PAFA punks. I wouldn't of had the slightest clue of how to handle a figure painting if it wasnt for him, from color mixing to painting technique he made everything click for me. Books about $ 22 on amazon.

Let the Right One In

Not dead yet! Well, risen from the dead maybe. I've been absent here for a long time, but with school coming to an end, and my stress level falling to an all time low, I felt the draw of this place once again. I'm surprised and excited to see all the new faces. I have lots of plans for personal projects this summer, so I'm hoping to be a bit more active. For now, I only have a little piece I did to show my love for a Swedish film I saw not too long ago. I bought the book the movie was based on, and the cover was horrid, so I decided to mock up a quick one for my pleasure. Just a little thing, hoping to have more projects and art up soon!

Hope everyone is enjoying the sudden cold spell and also revving up their air conditioners for a hot summer.

Promo Video

Here's a fun promo video that I made in collaboration with musical artist tU pHAce (

i heart earth!

Hey everyone this is my piece for the Heart Earth show. It's about Earth's suffering because of our economic( I probably used the wrong economic) sins. The show's gonna be great and I'm excited to see everyone's work. :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

sketches for the Darth Vader project

I just completed the sketch for the 100 Darth Vader project. I am doing a twist to a painting by Brouguereau. The second pic is the first rough sketch. Now, to the finish....Uhhhggg.

Bleeding Hearts

Here is my submission for the Heart Earth Show. I did this in oil. What do you think? I'm really happy with the lighting effects.

Heart Earth submission

Finally got my Heart Earth submission together, just in time. This one is a linoleum block print with watercolor. I think I have enough prints (sans watercolor) to be able to try selling a few at the opening.


Autumn Society member and Illustrator extraordinaire, Matt Cavanaugh has been selected and featured on Illustration Mundo's SELECTED WORKS for his MFA Illustration as visual essay thesis project. Read the full article on the link below!

Fellow blog member Edwin Vazquez is also featured in the article for his unique Pre-Columbian/ Aztec /Comic inspired art!

NERD ALERT: Star Trek Exhibit!

For all you awesome nerds and Trekkies out there, there will be a Star Trek exhibit at the Franklin Institute starting May 16th. The description sounds really promising, not to mention that the new movie is going to be absolutely amazing!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Hey, I know the director, lighting designer and cinematographer of a movie called "The Living Wake", it's screening in Philadelphia soon at World Cafe Live. It's comedic, entertaining and well done. Among others, it stars Jesse Eisenberg (Adventureland, The Squid and the Whale).

Here's the info & Trailer:

Screening: 4/30/2009 8pm $10 WORLD CAFE LIVE 3025 Walnut st.

Check it out if you can! Thanks!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Darth Vader and Bax Bear

This is my Darth Vader piece for the 100 Ways to the Dark Side book project, it's based on a Virgin Mary of Guadalupe tattoo design. I tried some different techniques to get it a softer tattoo look to it.
Here is my piece for the Bax Bear custom show @ the Artist's Eye in Smithville, NJ. It's supposed to be a Mexican luchador character of a bear that was shaved to wrestle against humans with some sweet tattoos. The snake on his back is the same snake I have tattooed on my arm, and referenced my old band, Snakebite. The gallery is also letting each artist display a work of art pertaining to your bear, so I drew up this using their template character.

New to You

Hey. I'm a Brooklyn filmmaker. I've just joined this blog. I shall contribute my first item, this is a short animation I made called "HOW WE TRY.". I figure it's a good introduction of myself to a blog of mostly illustrators...

Thanks for watching!


Eh I Need You

I just finished my contribution to the Heart Earth Show. I Also just launched my site, its a tad bit rough, but its here

Sloth Vader

I thought it'd be fun to combine my favourite two 80's movies for the Darth Vader book thingy.

New Found Glory T-shirt

New Found Glory wanted a Big Trouble in Little China shirt, and because I had done some work with their side project (International Superheroes of Hardcore) they were happy to let me do the shirt. What fun it was recreating such an 80's childhood epic.

Two colour (color) print on Black.

last minute heart earth submission

squeaking in just under the gun i guess.

inspired by Tim's awesome and very thorough process shots i thought i'd show a couple steps for my piece. yes that sketch is on a legal pad... times are tough in the eckman-lawn house.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hi Everyone-
This is my first post and I am really excited to be surrounded by such talented artists. I am posting one of my latest pieces. I am working on a series of mermaid paintings for a show at the end of the year. My images are usually darker and more menacing, but I am trying something new here. I also added gold leaf on the crabs surrounding the first time using it and I think I'm hooked.

The Lovely Raquel...

"You're gonna fit right in. Everyone in here is innocent, you know that?"

Golden Apples

Golden Apples, 9.25x17", pencil/digital

Hi everyone. The above is another piece for my upcoming show. The background of the piece is related to a Greek myth, an area that I love to explore and pull material from. Below, I've included some progress pics.

It's been awesome taking a break from comics to work on these pieces and I'm hoping to get at least 6 more done as well as some small drawings. See you guys at the Heart Earth hanging. Thanks, all.

Fairmount Arts Crawl

Today I have an opening at the North Star Bar on 27th and Poplar for the Fairmounts Arts Crawl.
to better describe the crawl this is what the Philadelphia Weekly said about it:
While Fairmount doesn’t have the bohemian cred of Northern Liberties or Fishtown, the neighborhood does support the arts. Each year, the Fairmount Arts Crawl showcases the work of local artists in neighborhood businesses. The event began five years ago when a group of people—both artists and business owners—felt there was nowhere to showcase local work. “This is a really good example of a community getting together without any city funding, just rallying around each other and creating this type of event,” says Crawl organizer Sharon Tice. The Arts Crawl showcases everything from painting and pottery to handmade crafts and jewelry in Fairmount businesses, including the Urban Saloon and Jack’s Firehouse. A.K.

Darth David

This is my contribution to the '100 Ways to the Dark Side' project, having opted away from the original Vader I had just layin' around.

Friday, April 24, 2009

PINKinini - spits his heart out.

Here's my piece for the Pink exhibition show! Hope you like!

"Le Pink Death Skull"

This is my submission for the Pink exhibition in London, brought to you by DIY WOMP and premiering at 93 Feet East's PINK BAR next Thursday, April 30th!

APW Arts on Record Show

For anyone who's seeking out shows to be a part of beyond the awesome Autumn Society ones, you should definitely check out APW Arts in Queens, who always have ongoing calls for art & are cool people.

I have work in the upcoming 'Arts on Record' show, so I figured I'd show off two here. I've got a rough 'n' dirty super-bad-guy theme happening. (More on the blog / Facebook!)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Heart Earth

Here are my submissions to the Heart Earth Show @ Mugshots. These two pieces can also be found in my mini show, Bygone @ Gianna's Grille. I am very excited about Heart Earth....those of you who know me, know of the subtle hints of environmentalist ingrained in my personality by my very real experiences from hanging out with Mother Nature herself. Cheers to everyone who entered and I can't wait to see you there!

BOSS BLOGS: Covered!

Ever wanted to do your own version of one of your favorite or famous comic book covers? COVEREDBLOG.BLOGSPOT.COM is an awesome blog dedicated just for that. Here's an example.

"Robert Goodin cover Walt Disney's Comics & Stories 211

Original cover by Carl Barks; Dell 1958. Robert Goodin's website is here. "

So go on already and make a version of your favorite or favorites!

Comic Review: Violent Comics from Marvel!

(Warning This Post Contains Violent, Gory, and Mature Content!)

I recently picked up Robert Kirkman's and Cory Walker's version of the Destroyer, and it does not disappoint. Destroyer is based off the character Keen Marlow, a pre-marvel / Timely Comics character that was created during the Golden Age of comics (1930s - 1940s). If you're looking for a fast paced, straight up, no bs, action comic, this comic is for you!

This title comes from Marvel's MAX Comics line, which is for mature readers only. I gotta give credit to Marvel for creating this line and growing some balls!

Also look up Destroyer on wiki! He would be a great character to do for the golden age of comics show in July. Here he in his Golden Age attire.

Another great comic that's been out for awhile now is Mark Millar's and John Romita Jr.'s KICK ASS. This comic been coming out in spurts, but each issue is worth the wait. Like Destroyer, its got a lot of action and gore, with a little bit of teen angst thrown into the mix.

This one is published through Marvel's Icon Comics imprint, which is geared toward more creator-owned titles.

To no surprise,this title already started being made into a live-action movie, while the comic is still ongoing and not finished. It does look pretty darn faithful to the material though and its being directed by a kick-ass director, Matthew Vaughn.

That is all!

Comic News: B.P.R.D 1947

Straight from the Dark Horse website.

"In 1946, the Nazi Occult Bureau's Project Vampir Sturm threatened to destroy the fragile peace following the end of the Second World War. A year later, the B.P.R.D. learns that there are creatures far older -- and far more dangerous -- than the Nazis' creations, as a lone vampire nobleman ruthlessly hunts the survivors of the Third Reich.

Joshua Dysart (B.P.R.D.: 1946) and Hellboy creator Mike Mignola team up with Gabriel Bá (The Umbrella Academy) and Fábio Moon (Sugarshock) for a new chapter in the hidden history of the B.P.R.D.!

* A direct sequel to the critically acclaimed B.P.R.D.: 1946!

* Art by Eisner Award winners Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá!

A chilling old-world vampire tale!
Publication Date: July 08, 2009"

Looks quite promising!

Mignola & Stewart : Ink Wash & Color Process

The folks over at Dark Horse have put together a nice "step by step" process on Mignola's latest artwork for his comic series, Witchfinder. This process also features Dave Stewart's wonderful colors and process as well. Here are a couple of images from the article:

Check out the full article HERE.

Real Vampires Coming from Del Toro

One of the best movie directors of our present time talks about his future vampire trilogy. Guillermo Del Toro fans will enjoy this for sure. More HERE!

TMNT 25th Anniversary & New Movie (2011)

Today is the 25th Anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Thank-you for all the wonderful childhood memories, and future ones with the new upcoming live action film in 2011! Also thank-you Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman for creating these awesome characters back in 1984!

So what are you waiting for? Go celebrate at WWW.TMNT25.COM and don't forget to stop by and hang out with the Turtles on the First Friday of May at Brave New Worlds Comics!