Sunday, May 31, 2009

Film Review: UP! (Go See it!)

If you haven't done so already, please do yourself a favor and go watch Pixar's "UP." Its an incredibly gorgeous and touching film that will leave its mark in many people's hearts and film / animation history. I'm ready to go see it for a third time! Below is a short non spoiler film review. Enjoy and go see it!

Picture above is from the Art of Up book by Tim Hauser

Im Jorsh Pena, and here's some of my artwork, as you can see im very influenced by the old fashioned cartoon style, a monochrome lover inspired by artist like Friz Freleng, Chuck Jones and Craig McCracken. You can visit my personal Blog clicking HERE, and i will keep posting my new artwork, so stay in touch.


New twitches!

Xander in Philly!!

I love having my stuff in shows on the other side of the world, especially places I'd love to visit some day, so I jumped at the chance when asked to contribute to the "80's Pop Show". Here's my piece...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Viva Published

So, I know I'm not Viva, but I also know that Viva is:
A. Not the most savvy with the interwebs.
B. Humble and shy.
C. At Work.

Anyway, her mother delivered a few copies of a local magazine she was published in. It was to illustrate a story about a tragic love triangle during the Civil War. Whilst flipping through the pages we both thought it was going to be a tiny spot illustration, but to her and my delightful surprise was a full page spread, and accurate reproduction!

Now she just needs to do more! Congrats on your first published piece, Viva!

P.S.: Pardon the bad scan, of course I grabbed the ONE magazine with wrinkles in the image. :tsktsktsk:

Adapt-Illustration Friday

Okay so it been a little since I posted on Illustration
Friday, so I thought I would do one. This weeks
topic was the word "Adapt", what can adapt better
a plant or an animal... I don't know so I drew both.
Tell me what you think, original art 11x14 mixed media.


Today and Tomorrow
For more details on this event, please go to:

Also Pictured: Invisible Plane


I thought I'd get an early start on the Golden Age Show. I decided to keep it short and sweet and just do a pinup of Wonder Woman. I don't particularly care about Wonder Woman, if we're being honest, but she is a powerful image who a lot of people dig, and I think this painting could potentially be pretty cool. Thoughts/comments/suggestions appreciated!

Evil Robin Hood

Hi folks! Here's my latest comic!


Toy Story 3 (Teaser)

Just had to share... :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Ejordanill x Andy Warhol

My newest joint. Andy Warhol. Hope you like it.

The Most Convenient Definitions

Hello! I'm Rae Winters - I'm a freelance photographer and I've been a member of the Autumn Society for a few months now. This is my first post on the blog, and I wanted to put up my piece for the 80s show. I'm a horror movie fanatic, so I originally wanted to do something with John Carpenter or some other 80s classic (and I'm so glad others have done that!), but in the end I went to the opposite end of the spectrum and chose The Breakfast Club. The collage may look a bit off here - it was too large for me to scan so I had to take a photo of the finished product, but hopefully you still get the idea of what I was going for. Hope you enjoy it!


Well, May's Marvel images is starting to wind down.. I could keep going but, think it might be smart to step back from it and try apply myself to other endeavors...
I might have one more sketch to add before the end of the month but this looks like it'll be the last marvel paint for a bit...So, Here's "The Man Without Fear".

Hope you dig...


Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Sod off..."

Not sure if I'm dating myself by my choice of subject matter, but I think you "older" MTV watchers will recognize the 4 lads from Scumbag College (and their "mates") as they are given the "EC Horror Comics" cover treatment, complete with creases, scratches, and coffee cup stains... Hope you enjoy!

80s Pop Show submission: The Legend of Zelda

11" x 14" oil on panel

Hey guys, after talking to Joe a few weeks back about submissions, I found out I was the only one so far that's brought up doing a Legend of Zelda piece. Joe persuaded me since I was on the fence about doing a portrait of Indiana Jones or Simon Belmont(castlevania series). Either way, The Legend of Zelda was one of my favorite games growing up and still is today. The Triforce is one of the most iconic symbols for RPGs from the Nintendo generation so how could I not represent it at this show? Anyway, I hope you guys dig it, I'm way excited to see all of the work for this show up on the wall together.

Rainbow Bloodbath & Care Bear Carnage

The thing that I remember the most about the eighties, being the age I was, is the toys. So I started by compiling a list of people’s favorite toys from the 80s (great conversation starter by the way, if you’re the kind of person that likes meeting new people everywhere you go!). In doing some research I discovered that many of the more feminine and cutesy characters were originally created by greeting card companies and only later became toys and/or cartoons. For example, Rainbow Brite was created by Hallmark and Strawberry Shortcake was created by American Greetings. I found this amusing that they were essentially greeting card corporate adversaries, so it was only natural to pit them against one another for my piece, “Rainbow Bloodbath”:

I also did a second piece, “Care Bear Carnage”, pitting one of the Care Bears (also created by American Greetings) against the popular 80s talking bear toy Teddy Ruxpin.

I also hand-painted each frame purple. TOTALLY RADICAL DUDE!!!

Art Show announcement

Art for teh Kittehs!

Hey all - sorry in advance for the long post, but it's for a good cause. So, I'm not really sorry. ;)

When artists can contribute their services towards philanthropic or humane causes, it's really a win-win situation. The financial benefit goes to the cause, and artists get great exposure to a totally new cross-section of viewers.

So of course I feel fortunate to have the oppourtunity to make art for a good cause (if only all my work had such a good end in store!). West Philadelphia-based City Kitties is a non-profit no-kill animal hospital and foster-care organization dedicated to bettering the lives of the significant population of West Philly stray and feral cats, and it's having its Second Annual Art Show and Auction this Friday.

I was first introduced to City Kitties a few years ago through my good friend Mike and his friend , the also-contributing artist, talented photographer and super cat-philanthropist Kyle Cassidy. I was blown away by how much a few awesome women can do out of a house, from providing veterinary care for hundreds of cats (some literally healed from within inches of death) to organizing a network of foster homes and adoptions to loving homes. I'm super happy to have a way to donate my services to such a worthy cause. They're making a difference, and I want to help.

The details are below - if you're around and are looking for an awesome, unique night that you can be proud of having attended, please please please come - see some art, bid on something (the auctions start at incredibly low opening bids) - so snag something awesome for yourself or for a gift! What could be a cooler gift than one that benefits animals?

(from their site)
2nd Annual City Kitties Art Show & Auction
Join us May 29th at Studio 34 for the 2nd Annual Art Show & Auction to Benefit City Kitties!

When: Friday, May 29, 6:30 - 10:00pm
Where: Studio 34 at 4522 Baltimore Avenue
How Much: $5 at the door (which goes towards any winning bid)

* Buy great art from talented artists
* Win fabulous raffle prizes
* Listen to great music
* Eat and drink with everybody who's anybody
* Support a great Philadelphia charity


The piece I'm contributing is a small one, but it was super fun to paint. I had the idea of doing some sort of Francis of Assisi / St. Gertrude / "Patron Saint of Animals" thing, but I wanted it to be fun and light-hearted.

Introducing Mme. Gertrude Von Skeffington, Patron Saint of Stuffed Animals. She's got a whole story in my brain already. I know, goofy - but fun. The auction is for the original watercolor, approx. 8" x 10" framed in a simple black oval moulding.

Hopefully it fetches a few bucks for mah kitteh frendz.

Thank you so much for reading!

Mugshots Presents: Paddle To Seattle

Mugshots Coffeehouse & Cafe will premiere the documentary "Paddle to Seattle" this Friday, May 29th at 7pm. All Autumn Society members are invited to attend this special screening. Check out the video and info on the event below.

"The premiere of the new documentary Paddle to Seattle will be at Mugshots! This will be the FIRST PUBLIC SCREENING of the completed film AND J.J. Kelley will be here to present the film and answer your questions!

How would you get from one side of the world to another without a motor? It’s a question many couldn’t comprehend. But two young adventurers are taking on the challenge. J.J. Kelley and Josh Thomas paddle homemade kayaks 1,300 miles from Alaska to Seattle. The three-month journey is a distance equivalent of Greenland to the UK. Throughout their adventure they attempt to capture the wilderness and culture of the Inside Passage. The project is first ever expedition film project documenting the vast expanse. It is without question the most scenic and challenging paddling trip in North America."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

80's show Alien Derelict Ship on LV-426 (ALIENS) 1986

Just to clarify the "Derelict" ship from Alien made two appearances 1st in Alien 79' and rediscovered again in Aliens 86' this is how it appeared in 86'. Note the port (or hammerhead side) side has collapsed years after it was first seen, possibly due to the "primitive" and unstable enviroment on LV-426. ***note to Autumn Society babes i dont have a girlfriend*** 3 movies have had a profound impact on my life. Jaw's, Terminator 2 and Aliens (T2 and Aliens both James Cameron) . Along with comic books, all had a hand in sparking my imagination as a youngin. I remember watching Aliens on TNT just about weekend when I was about 6 or 7 and to this day Ill curl up with a bottle of whiskey and the Aliens DVD about once a month, not a bad scene in the whole film, a perfect movie in my opinion. I don't really know why I choose to paint this particular ship, with such a visual feast from the movie to choose from. Maybe because its so mysterious, it symbolizes the beginning and an end, Its mechanical and organic. Anyways I hope you enjoy. Gotta go, "It will be dark soon and they mostly come at night.....mostly."

Acrylic on Panel 9"X12"

Leanne Biank has a new website

I am super stoked about Leanne Biank's New Website she just finished up tonight. It includes her own Tribute to Where the Wild things Are!

8 preliminary drawings for "The Twelve Caesars"

Julius Caesar

I started working on these in January, I'm obviously missing 4 more, they happen to be the later Caesars that are definitely not as iconic as the first bunch. "The Twelve Caesars" by Suetonius is a really great book on ancient Rome, full of a lot of dark crazy shit. It was, also, in these preliminary drawings that I started drawing the human figure more as I do now. They were actually drawn, except for Augustus, in the order of the book. I think Caesar and Caligula being the first ones. Augustus was actually the last. I wanted them to in some way embody what I perceived, at the time, as human nature and it's relation to power, and maybe I still do. As I'm posting this I'm getting excited about the whole thing again. I'll probably try to finish up the other four drawings by the end of summer.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ink Answer's Vegas Vacation

INK ANSWER is back in action after a sabbatical in Guam. We're calling on our members to help revive it!! So check back daily.
If you'd like to contribute, you can send e-mails to or


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dirty Mind

Hey everyone, here's my finished piece for the 80's show. Let me know what you think!

O(+> Maryann

Getting Ready For June

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Heres a few things I've been storing for the "Advertisements For Myself". Also I just finished the Stoked "Stoked On Spring" event last week, check out the art work here, and photos from the event here.

Zach Attacks!

Hey there everyone! I was recently invited to this blog and it seems pretty cool so I figured I'd introduce myself. *Ahem* I'm Zach Bellissimo, I'm 20 and go to school for animation and drawing is pretty much all I do. This blog has so many awesome artists and I'm so stoked I could be a part of it! Don't know what else I could talk about that wouldn't bore you to death so here's some of my works:

You can check out more of my stuff over yonder at my blog: Snaggle-Tooth Salad!

And congrats to everyone in the 80's show! I'm totally diggin all the pieces. Such amazing work!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Golden Girls!

Hi! There were so many 80's tv shows and movies I wanted to do, I had a hard time picking one but I went with the Golden Girls. I know, they are not exactly "cool" or whatever, but you know you watched too!

BUT my Golden Girls has a horror story to it... upon completion (it's a digital painting) I accidentally over-wrote the original (large) file and only have this web-sized version. I put a lot of time into this piece, it taught me to be more careful with digital stuff. Anyone have suggestions on how to recover or increase my pixels, I'm open to them! I'm going to see if there's any way I can get a half-way decent print for the show or I will start on one of the many other 80's things I love. So for now, here are the girls... I hope you get to see them again!

TMNT just for fun

With this whole 80s craze I couldn't go without doing some Turtles. So just for fun here they are!

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Autumn Society: 80s Pop Show! Poster

Hello everyone,

Here it is, the poster for our upcoming 80s Pop Show! at Brave New Worlds Comics, premiering Friday June 5th at 6pm. So feel free to print it, e-mail it or post it elsewhere. I really enjoyed working on this poster. Great childhood memories flashed through my head as I listened to A Flock of Seagulls. Anyway, bring everyone you know to this show! It's going to be awesome!

Those interested in a higher res version of the poster to print some out and put them around the city, please get in touch at:

To view some of the incredible works for the show go HERE!